Local Info

Trash Collection for Edwards Landing is managed by the Town of Leesburg.  BEGINNING JULY 2, 2018, trash & recycling are collected on WEDNESDAY.  Yard Waste is collected on Monday from   The Town can arrange for large item pickups (Wednesdays).  Please call 703-771-2790 to arrange for pickup or visit the Town's website at http://www.leesburgva.gov/index.aspx?page=168
Want to Contact the Association?  Email ctownes@sentrymgt.com or call 540-751-1888
MOVING or REFINANCING?  Order your Disclosure Packages or Questionnaires from www.sentrymgt.com.
Want to pay online?  The Sentry Management website accepts payments by e-check and credit card.  Visit https://sentrymgt.com and click Make a Payment.  You'll need to know your 16-digit account number.
Want to rent the clubhouse?  *Please note that clubhouse rentals have been temporarily suspended due to COVID* To schedule a date and time, email or call Sentry Management, Inc. (ctownes@sentrymgt.com or 540-751-1888.  A deposit of $160 and a $75 rental fee (for up to 4 hours) is required to schedule.  The rules and the form are available here or under Documents.